Hmm.. this page looks really weird when I'm not on my home computer. Hope this looks ok when I post it.
As in my previous blog, I've been following the US presidential election show with keen intrest. At the moment all intrest is in the Democratic race as McCain is a sure winner for the Republicans and Mike Huckabee might become his running companion in order to secure the bible belt.
The democratic race on the other hand is still open but in my eyes it is turning for Obama. He has the momentum behind him, and as ppl are heard animals, I think the momentum will turn the game in his advantage.
Clinton on the other hand is in seriously deep trouble. I have no idea what the issues are there, but when you are sacking your campain managers at this time it usually means panic. Panic in sense that there were not a single line of strategy. When ppl are panicking they usually loose the ability to see the long term goal. They start reacting to the current problems and end up messing up the whole gameplan.
That is the reason why the strategy is so important. It has to be the right one and it has to include countermeasures for possible problems. The situation rarely changes so drastically that the whole strategy has to be redrawn at the first sight of trouble. Calculate what has changed and if it's not anything dramatic, soldier on.
Anyways... I think that the Obama league will win, mostly based on numbers. In the states where Clinton has won, the margin has been really really small. Usually just few percents, the largest gap was in Arkansas with 43 % but it's not a number that can be used. The avarage winning margin for Clinton is just 11,56 % (Excluding Arkansas) and the same margin for Obama has been 26,95 %. That is a huge margin and has to mean something. (The numbers are from NY Times and I will add the link later)
I think that Obama is just more popular than Clinton among the Democratic voters. She might be more ready for a president, but she just isn't popular enough.
Anyways.. the race isn't still over. Even when the Clinton gang has paniced and the Obama league is already throwing knives against McCain.
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