lauantai 3. tammikuuta 2009

Build a Snorky 14 ft. Catboat

I recently noticed that the original site where I found the building plans for the Snorky boat, has been deleted. Making it very difficult to find the plans as they can only be reached by Internet Archive. For some of us that can be a bit tiresome, so I've decided to add the building plans for this site also. I don't own the copyright for the pictures and if anyone has a valid reason for me to take them off, please contact me at vesterlandet((at))

Snorky is a 14 ft. cat-rigged sailing vessel. I have never constructed her, so unfortunately there is no first hand experience from the boat on my blog. It is my plan to construct it some day, but that day is yet to come. If you complite your project first, I'd be very happy to read a comment about it.

The hull construction seem to be the simplest, that I've seen from several other do-it-yourself sailing vessels and looks pretty much doable even if you don't have any previous experience with boat building. Sides are from normal plywood and bottom from 1" x 6" plank. All the measurements are US measurements, with inches and feet. If you want to change them to the meter system, you need to do it yourself.

I don't know the history or the origin of the Snorky, but it seems to be relatively old design. My quess is anywhere between the 30's and early 50's. The title page describes it as fast, light, sturdy little catboat. And from the looks of it, lives up for the description. Please find the pictures below:

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